Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Almost New Year

I want to thank all of my readers who had continued to follow me after all these years. I have not been doing as much writing as I should, but I have been doing some from time-to-time whenever I get some free time. I could say that 2017 had been quite an experience for me.

Thank you for your support for my only book. I wish I had published more manuscripts, but for some reason, it never happened. Perhaps, in the future, I will publish more titles to come.

Read an excerpt of my novel: Click Here

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle

As I entered the theater today, I was very skeptical about seeing this film, having prejudices about it because of the original film, Jumanji, which starred Robin Williams and Kirsten Dunst. I really thought that it was lame putting Dwayne Johnson in such a role. Was I wrong? Yes, I was. I not only loved Dwayne Johnson in the film, but I commend him for being brave for taking the role of the geeky strong guy.

Karen Gillan, Jack Black, and Kevin Hart all did a superb job in bringing the movie to the golden screen. It may not be roles in which they will win an Oscar for or any award for that matter, but they definitely deserve a round of applause for making the chemistry between them work. I will watch this film again, in fact.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Defending Star Wars: The Last Jedi

For people who watched the Film:

Well, like everything in the world, you can't please everyone; however, since there are some critics on the movie that didn't like the new installment, I must say that I can't blame them because I can understand how it somehow lacked its prototypical warriors' journey.  For instance, the transition of Luke Skywalker from hero to a somewhat cowardice figure who got soft and couldn't cope with his nephew turning evil seemed a little off character to many people. His father was Darth Vader, for goodness sakes, and, he just gives up on the Jedi, the way of life in which he lived after all those years? Really?

But, if we really dig down to the core, Luke Skywalker in episode 8 is not the same as the Luke we all know from episodes 4,5,6. He is now an old man, all battered up from the battles of the past. We must construct that he may have seen his nephew, Kylo Ren, as his last hope for the way of the Jedi to survive. So, when he felt that Kylo was becoming more evil, naturally, he must have panicked because he would have interpreted it as the same transition his father, Darth Vader, underwent in the past. 

Episode 9, hopefully, clears much of the questions that episode 8 left behind. But, in terms of its worthiness in the spectrum of the Star Wars franchise, I am not disappointed.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Almost Christmas

Well, as the year comes near to a close, it is almost time for Christmas once again. Many would say that Christmas is just another holiday, but it is much more than that. It is the time that we actually realize that we need other to be happy. Sure, we might actually know that subconsciously already, but for certain, it is on Christmas that we do actually hope that someone is thinking of us to hope for some kind of present on Christmas day, even if indeed that gift is just a pair of socks. We can hope for something more, but a gift indeed can just about bring out a smile, even in a form of disappointment because we never got the gift that we had hoped for to get. But, instead, we get a pair of socks.