Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Defending Star Wars: The Last Jedi

For people who watched the Film:

Well, like everything in the world, you can't please everyone; however, since there are some critics on the movie that didn't like the new installment, I must say that I can't blame them because I can understand how it somehow lacked its prototypical warriors' journey.  For instance, the transition of Luke Skywalker from hero to a somewhat cowardice figure who got soft and couldn't cope with his nephew turning evil seemed a little off character to many people. His father was Darth Vader, for goodness sakes, and, he just gives up on the Jedi, the way of life in which he lived after all those years? Really?

But, if we really dig down to the core, Luke Skywalker in episode 8 is not the same as the Luke we all know from episodes 4,5,6. He is now an old man, all battered up from the battles of the past. We must construct that he may have seen his nephew, Kylo Ren, as his last hope for the way of the Jedi to survive. So, when he felt that Kylo was becoming more evil, naturally, he must have panicked because he would have interpreted it as the same transition his father, Darth Vader, underwent in the past. 

Episode 9, hopefully, clears much of the questions that episode 8 left behind. But, in terms of its worthiness in the spectrum of the Star Wars franchise, I am not disappointed.

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