Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Random Nice Man

As I walked at the cross section this morning, I came across random people who walked to the opposite direction I was going to. And, in the mix, there was an elderly woman struggling to cross the street. Then, out of nowhere, it seemed, a rugged looking man appeared. He didn't seem like the type who would help an elderly woman cross the street that's for sure. But, he did.

It had left such an impression upon me that I still think about it 12 hours later. This shows that you just never know which person has a pure heart.

I hadn't found anything to write about until that very moment this morning. I was so touched by the care that the man showed to the elderly woman that for some unknown reason I had started to tear a little. Kind of sounds cliché, but it is what it is. It is those kinds of moments that makes a person realize that no matter how cruel the world may seem sometimes, there are good people that make the world a better place every day.

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